We're back with a rebranded segment today. Welcome to the "Mindset Mastery" on combating narcissistic parents in our life. This is an add-on from our "Toxic family members" episode. The link for that episode is below.


If you have ever grown up with a narcissistic parent or other relatives, you know just how difficult it could be. You never feel like you could be yourself, every move you make is the wrong one and you question every decision you've ever made. You get into constant fights and feel even more defeated and guilty for speaking your mind after.


The hope by the end of this episode is to get you thinking a new way about handling this difficult situation. A way that you can come out on top and not feel guilty for just being you.


Three big takeaways from today's episode: 1. It is not the parent's fault they are a narcissist. 2. negative fuels negative, positive destroys negative. 3. Distance and cutting ties are the best for both of you.


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You can listen to Toxic Family Members episode at: https://fearlessfathers.net/how-toxic-relationships-can-affect-your-new-family/