Lenora Edwards is a board-certified language pathologist and speech therapy coach at Betterspeech.com, an affordable online speech therapy website for children and adults so we can speak our best. Lenora has been a therapist for over a decade, helping our little ones (and not-so-little ones) speak their best. 


Today, Lenora chats with us about the different types of speech delays, signs, and symptoms, the generational traditions that surround speech therapy and what we as dads can do to overcome those, and soo soo much more. 


Better Speech provides FREE speech therapy to underprivileged children in developing countries such as Rwanda, Indonesia & Colombia, where speech therapy is inaccessible.

When you join, we donate therapy for a child in need!



Be sure to check out BetterSpeech.com today for a ton of free resources and ways you can maximize your child's speaking future. 





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