Dr. Willie Jolley is a hall of fame speaker, syndicated radio show host and best selling author of the books A Setback is a Setup for a comeback and An Attitude of Excellence.

Delatorro McNeal is a peak performance and presentation skills expert, keynote speaker, author and mentor to influencers. He’s the creator of Crush Your Sales, the online course.

Walter Bond is a former NBA athlete, Hall of Fame speaker, business coach, and author of Swim.

During this episode, Cory brings you a panel that discusses the challenges and solutions of staying motivated, inspired and activated during a pandemic.

Dr. Willie Jolley:
Delatorro McNeal II:
Walter Bond

“All successful people never do what's comfortable, they always do what’s necessary” – Dr. Willie Jolley

“Done is better than perfect” – Delatorro McNeal

“I had to be willing to be bad before I could ever be great” – Walter Bond

“If you think you can, you can” - Dr. Willie Jolley

Time Stamps:
4:00 – (Dr. Jolley) – Mindset - All comebacks start in your thinking
8:05 – (Delatorro) – Don’t panic, pivot - Continuing to build
13:26 – (Walter) – Working on the business, not in the business during this “off season”
19:09 – (Dr. Jolley) – One eye on the problem, one eye on winning the game
26:42 – (Walter) – We all need support – Finding a mentor
31:50 – (Delatorro) – Keeping discipline – Getting leverage on your brain
42:04 – (Dr. Jolley) – Do what you can, with what you can, wherever you are, the best you can
47:22 – (Delatorro) - Take imperfect action – Being excellent at your level
52:04 – (Walter) – The process of becoming great
59: 11 (Dr. Jolley) – Be proactive. Be creative.
62:00 (Delatorro) – Motivation is the result of action
65:55 – (Walter) – The shark mindset

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