Episode Notes

Steve Stauning is the founder of his namesake company Stauning solutions group which is a leading training and consulting firm. He’s also a prolific author. His books include "Ridiculously Simple Sales Management", "Assumptive Selling", and "Sh*t Sandwich". He’s a guy that really has sometimes contrarian views, but he’s one of those people that sometimes says things that everyone is thinking, but no one wants to say. 

During this episode, Cory and Steve talk about the decision to leave corporate America to start his own business. Steve talks about the importance of doing what makes you happy, and not spreading yourself too thin by trying to do everything and be everywhere. 
Books ("Ridiculously Simple Sales Management", "Sh*t Sandwich", "Assumptive Selling")

“If that’s what makes you happy, that’s what you should be striving for” – Steve Stauning
Time Stamps: 
3:10 - Steve’s Advice for running a business
7:11 – The tipping point for getting out of corporate America to start his own business
16:13 – You can’t get more than you give
21:09 – Not everybody is supposed to be an entrepreneur 
28:51 – Steve’s advice to those who aren’t natural salespeople
33:23 – Trying to do everything and be everywhere
40:10 -  Steve’s craziest entrepreneurship moment
44:11 – Rapid fire questions!
49:12 - Entrepreneurship Trivia!
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