Mary Foley is the woman in charge at Bodacious! Ventures. She revs up women entrepreneurs with the clarity, confidence, consistency and community to generate the revenue they really want. Mary revved up her own career when she ditched her engineering degree for an $8 an hour customer service rep job at AOL. She received 4 promotions in 10 years and went on to become the company’s first head of corporate training.

Mary went on to earn a masters degree in organization development, write her own book and start her own business inspiring women to be bodacious in their career and life. Today, she throws on her red cape as a business coach for women entrepreneurs, a workshop facilitator and she hosts the Power Plug Podcast.

During this episode, Cory and Mary discuss Mary’s journey from working as a customer service rep at $8 hour to starting her own business inspiring women entrepreneurs. Learn about the importance of quality leadership and providing value for your customers and clients.


“Once you have something with traction and it’s working, and you keep honing it, then try a branch” - Mary Foley

Time Stamps:
4:05 – Mary’s story – Providing value to customers and clients
19:37 – Being passed over a promotion regardless of the qualifications being met and picking a new direction
29:54 – Mary’s light bulb/pivot moment
39:18 – Mary’s advice to aspiring keynote speakers
48:46 – Narrowing your scope to be more successful
55:43 – Mary’s craziest entrepreneurship moment
62:22 – Rapid fire questions!
67:45 – Entrepreneurship trivia!

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