WEEK 3  OF 4  //  Chris Williams

Discussion Questions:

Describe your personal experience with the church when you were growing up.Have you ever experienced a time when you were "hurt by church"? If so, how did you overcome that hurt and pain?Read aloud Ephesians 4:16 in at least three different translations. As a group, work together to rewrite this verse in your own words.Read aloud Romans 12: 4-8. What words or phrases stand out to you the most? Why?Why do you think most people believe they do not significantly contribute to their church?How do you think you are a significant contributor to our group? How do you think others are substantial contributors to our group? Be specific. 

Sermon Locations and Times:

Sundays Services are at 9:30 AM and 11:00 AM at 2601 E Alex Bell Rd Dayton, OH 45459 You can join us online on Facebook or YouTube at 11:00 AM.