Happy September friend! What a better way to welcome in September than with some powerful content & a GIVEAWAY!

In honor of my birthday month, I want to post an episode each week talking about life lessons that I have learned in the past 28 years of my life; both from the good and the not so good! Week 1 we are kicking it off with talking about 3 very important lessons I learned the first 7 years of my life. As keynote speaker Derek Clark once said:

"When what limits us today is because of a traumatic moment of our past, we need to recognize and transform it”.

Also, I want to do a giveaway this month! I have received so much feedback & love, that I am just feeling so grateful and want to give back as a way of saying thank you! 

 To Enter the GIVEAWAY: 

Make sure you are connected with me on Instagram -  https://www.instagram.com/fearnotincluded/  

3 Winners will be receiving a gift card from me!