The rate at which this year is flying by really has me thinking lately, how am I spending my time and what am I doing different to better myself this year? How about you? 

My husband had an interesting way of explaining “Hitting that delete button” to me recently – because I was really navigating some tough feelings. And maybe you have felt like that lately, feeling like you’re way in over your head and how can you even think you’re good enough to do something you’ve never done? 

You see sometimes we want to try something new but just because we’ve never done it before, we run away. We feel like “Nah! I’m not good enough to do that, I don’t have enough experience, enough knowledge”. Or we say “Once I’m where I want to be I’ll do it, or once I have this much money, I’ll do it” but what happens if even once you get there you don’t do it because by that time you just gave yourself another excuse? 

How many times have you talked yourself out of doing something just because you didn’t feel good enough to do it? But the only reason you are scared to do it or feel like you’re not good enough is only because you have never done it before!

You see I stepped into podcasting, having no clue what I was doing or what I would talk about. And as I continue this journey, I want to be super transparent with you, because friend if you are feeling stuck or living a life you’re not loving – you need to reevaluate it! You don’t deserve to live a life your semi okay with, or “whatever pays the bills”. Where do you need to put your deposit of faith into to believe in yourself and know that you can do better! If you can’t grab enough faith to deposit from yourself – borrow some from me! Because I have faith in you, I believe in you, that you can make a shift and start living a life you’re obsessed with!

If you keep doing what you’re doing expecting to get somewhere new, I’m sorry to break it to you but that’s not how it works. I know change can be scary, but you know what’s even scarier? Staying in the same place hitting repeat over and over and over until one day you look back and wish you would have embraced change.

I would LOVE to hear what you thought about today's episode! Maybe you're in a "I'm not qualified enough" moment right now - if so, let's chat about it on Instagram -