Have you been confusing rest with lack of motivation? Or maybe you are focusing too much energy on complaining about how things are not going good that you have lost sight of what really is good right now and matters more? Hey Friend, I am right there with you! If I am being honest with you – as you know this is a come with me let’s figure this out together podcast – I was having trouble with this week’s content too. And by trouble, I mean I wasn’t feeling like posting – there was a lack of motivation.

I have been lacking motivation lately. As I have mentioned before, my husband and I continue to navigate a tough season and it seems like bad news just continue to pour out on us. So my initial reaction was to curl up in bed and just want to sleep and cry it out. But as I pondered on topics, I came across a quote from Ali Daniel; “there’s profound strength in showing up even when you don’t feel like it”.

Because although I have been able to travel and enjoy some much needed time with my husband and family, I can’t help but get shaken by everything else happening around us back home. My initial coping process is to ball up and want to do nothing. And it is in this moment that I need to take myself back to the beginning process of starting this podcast & reminding myself why I am here doing what I do – for you friend!

So I wanted to share this with you because maybe you’re going through a tough season right now, or maybe you’re feeling like you don’t want to do anything towards your goal anymore because what’s the point. And don’t get me wrong, we do need rest sometimes and our body and mind requires down time so we don’t lead to burnout. However, it is so easy to overstep this boundary line and not want to show up anymore; to let the negativity we feel win and take over. 

Even when life sucks and it feels like you are drowning with no sign of it being over anytime soon, be reminded to show up even then! If we choose to get demotivated and stop just because one thing is going wrong or not according to plan – how many times are we going to stop doing something? We need to remind ourselves of why we started, what our end goal is, and live everyday with a purpose!

Sometimes all we can do is take one step at a time, day by day, and be okay with the small progress we make! That small move is way better than no move at all! Right? 

I would LOVE to hear what you thought about today's episode! Maybe you're trying to balance lack of motivation in your life right now - if so, let's chat about it on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/fearnotincluded/  

Stephen Hawking: https://www.buzzworthy.com/10-people-who-overcame-adversity-to-achieve-unbelievable-things/