The Fear Not Included Podcast is coming back! January 2022 is going to be the launch of something special for this space and I feel so blessed and honored to be leading it. As I practiced the pause and took the time to be still, reflect, and have been redirected by God - I am so excited with what’s coming but most of all I am excited to get to share it with you!!!

I want to invite you to stay connected with me and come join me on: The Fear Not Included Podcast Facebook Page! Which I have opened up specifically for you! In the direction that this podcast is going next year, I want to make sure we have a better place to stay connected, discuss, and start creating more meaningful friendships. 

Season 2 is coming with something new, different, and something I definitely think will help you to transform your mind and life. And I want you to be a part of that! So, go jump on Facebook and search for the “Fear Not Included Podcast” group - and join! If you don’t have FB - stay connected by emailing me @[email protected]!

Trust me Friend, you’ll want to stay tuned! God has opened this door of opportunity for us - it's time to walk through. 

Happy Holidays & Happy New Year! Friend, there is nothing better than a new start - and the closing off of a year is just it! Start to set yourself in the mindset and believe that this next year (2022) will be much better. A new year, new you, let’s go! Are you ready? Because I am! I’ll talk to you soon!