Welcome back! On today's episode we are opening up the conversation on FEAR and how to shift it into action. Because honestly, when is fear not trying to include itself in our everyday lives. Take some time today to ask yourself a very important and thought provoking question - “If you knew you couldn’t fail, what would you do?”

Maybe you have had a goal on your mind/heart for some time but instead of taking action you allowed yourself to focus all your energy on the possibilities of it going wrong. Don't you think it's time you stopped robbing yourself of a life you feel fulfilled and passionate about!? I want to challenge you today to tune in and start turning your fear into ACTION! In the words of Thomas Edison, “I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” 

Studies show that 76% of people reported regretting the things they didn’t do in life – “even if it would have failed”. Girl, it’s time to wake up!! And if there’s anything I want you take away from today’s episode – 

Don’t focus on the fear, rather focus on the possible outcome if you go for it. Set one small step TODAY towards your bigger goal.


Studies used in today’s episode:





Connect With Me:

Instagram: @fearnotincluded

***Shout out to my good friend Richard Navarro (IG: @venicebeachsuperstars) for the personalized sound track***