Have you ever caught yourself comparing yourself to someone else's journey? Or maybe you have good things happening for you, but you are more focused on the things that are not going right? You see sometimes instead of embracing where we are now and the good that is coming to our lives, we focus our attention on where we are not. We set our minds on airplane mode, moving around life without fully experiencing our surroundings. The negative thoughts creep in and they try to bring you down – reminding you: “how can you be happy in a time like this?”. 

And what’s even more crazy is that we then start to open the comparison door! But the hard truth is – that rather than compare yourself to another person – what you should be doing is comparing yourself to where you were a month ago, or a year ago. 

In the moment, the situation seems so BIG, so IMPOSSIBLE, or THAT’S NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN FOR ME; but how do you know if you have never been there before. Even if 1, 10, or 1000 people before are traveling on a similar journey as you – that doesn’t mean your journey is going to go the same. You have a unique journey, with unique gifts and talents that only you have! 

I recall hearing one time “Comparison is a thief of happiness” and it really got me thinking. Because if you think about it comparison is like a double-edged sword, you can use it to motivate yourself by comparing yourself to where you were and how far you have come. Or you can use it to discourage yourself by comparing yourself to someone who has been doing your thing for a longer amount of time. And I am no one to judge you okay friend, because we are all guilty of comparison! But it is so important to recognize when you are using it to propel yourself forward and when are you using it to knock yourself down!

Don’t rob yourself of embracing your current journey and the lessons it is trying to teach you! Don’t rob yourself of happiness and fulfillment, instead recognize how strong you are even through the tough times! We got this friend and I’ll talk to you soon!

I would LOVE to hear what you thought about today's episode! Maybe you're playing the comparison game right now or focusing on where you are not - if so, let's chat about it on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/fearnotincluded/