How many things are you giving way to, or allowing, or dwelling on? Sometimes you take worry lightly and let your thoughts run off with it.

Sometimes, you begin to share that worry with others and affect others' thoughts; it’s not just you you affect. Right? Negativity and worry are always out there ready to take over if you are ready to pay attention to it. If you reflect back on 2020, it really has a lot to teach you that many of us were more affected by the worry of what was going on around us than what was actually happening. 

And just like the story in today's episode, you let worry come in and destroy your thoughts, your health, and the quality of life you overall live! The beginning of worry signals the end of faith – and whether you’re a believer or not – wouldn’t you rather have faith and believe in something than to live in constant worry all the time?

See, the bible talks about a man named Peter and something he stressed at all times was to guard our hearts. It just reflects back to the very thing I remind you on each episode – be careful what you’re feeding yourself mentally! 

So how can you refocus when worry hits?

Stop & Refocus: Instead of saying why is this happening to me? Ask yourself – why is this happening for me and what is it trying to teach me?  Learn to Appreciate What You Do Have: Think about your current moment and really ask yourself what should I be thankful for that I do have?  Trade Your Worry Moment into an Aha Moment: What can you ACTUALLY do right now in this moment towards your goal.

Start looking at those worry moments and flip them. I know it’s easier said than done but trust me – if I can do it as I’m navigating this tough season - YOU CAN TOO! 

I would LOVE to hear what you thought about today's episode! Maybe you're in a worry moment right now - if so, reach out to me on Instagram -    I would love to hear from you!