Episode 11 is brought to you from a random Air BnB in good ol’ London-town. I’m taking a break from hanging with the Queen to answer a listener question about naming a new business, branding and marketing strategy first steps. This episode has a different audio quality and I do apologize but laundry rooms aren’t rally designed for podcasting. Nevertheless, toon in to hear about:

My exciting discovery in this Air BnB What I gained from going super simple when naming my gym The branding exercise that helped me design a strategy for my new business The two “must-do’s” when beginning to market How to figure out where to market online first 2019 marketing trends – less _____, more _____

Today, we talk about strategies for choosing a new business name and how I learned to tease out branding concepts for my new projects. I break down the path to marketing (spoiler: it’s more obvious than you think) and give you my best tips to follow outside of social media marketing. Always starting broad and then niching down, we want to create great habits in the beginning before we worry about spending money on “magic” social media ads. Naming, branding and marketing all tie together so make sure you take some time after this episode to follow through on the branding exercise and then jot down on your beginning marketing steps.

We love hearing from listeners through Facebook, Instagram and even email! Please make sure to share this podcast if you think it was helpful and be sure to send us your specific questions. Thank you for making it fun to share free launch and business information! Make sure you find us and connect on one of our social channels. Now, go get it out there, guys!

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