This week on the Fathom podcast, Paul Trebilcock and Chris Ranford, interview two guests, sharing the voices of those who are still at sea, catching, landing and selling, and  those working at a national and political level.

Fathom's first guest is Andrew Stevens, a fisherman who has been successfully selling his catch directly to a fishmonger for a number of years.  Andrew discusses his experience with direct selling and offers guidance to those wanting to set up a direct selling business. 

Fathom's second guest is Barrie Deas, Chief Exec of the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO).  Barrie explains that support packages have been provided by all of the Devolved Administrations (DAs) for their respective fishing fleets – offering much-needed security for fishermen in Scotland, N. Ireland and Wales. However, England is currently being left behind. Barrie discusses with Paul what the NFFO is doing to make sure fishermen in England are offered a support package and explains how fishermen can also put pressure on their local MPs. 


To see the letter that Paul Trebilcock sent to Secretary of State, George Eustice click here
To see the briefing note from the National Federation of Fishermen’s Organisations (NFFO) click here. 

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