Hello! Welcome to one of my favourite episodes.  Please enjoy this blast from the past:

On this episode I chatted with Dalia Kinsey and it was a doozy of a conversation. We covered classism, racism, sexism, weight stigma and thin privilege. This was a loaded interview that I enjoyed so much. Dalia is filled with spunk and enthusiasm that made this conversation informative and entertaining. We covered:

-Dalia's Health at Every Size journey

-The training required to be a registered dietician

-Inequality for women in terms of pay

-How the dietician training props up diets culture, classism and privilege

-Our cultural feel of becoming fat

-How thin privilege, fat phobia and weight stigma affects us all

-How Dalia first heard about HAES

-How health behaviours are not the driving factors in health outcomes

-How telling people to diet goes against Do No Harm

-The difference between correlation and causation

-Why we don't need permission from others to do anything and instead need to be prioritizing ourselves

Body Respect by Lindo Bacon and Lucy Aphramor

Intuitive Eating by Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch

Fat is a Feminist Issue by Suzie Orbach

Dalia's Intuitive Eating Sheet

Dalia's Podcast

Dalia's website

Resources page on my website for studies

Jorden Harbinger's podcast