October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and for today’s interview I speak with Deidre Ferenc regarding her breast cancer journey.

Deidre opens up about how her diagnosis impacted her lifestyle, diet, and exercise habits.

This conversation is truly inspiring and helpful as you navigate health issues while still leading a healthy lifestyle.

"Allow yourself the tears because a good cry honestly will make you feel better sometimes."


In this episode, you will learn the following:

The importance of self-breast exams and early detection

The impact of a cancer diagnosis

Healthy habits that the Faster Way teaches that help with recovery

The role of mindset and positivity in facing health challenges


Links and Resources

Join FASTer Way at www.fasterwaytofatloss.com

Don't forget to check out fasterwayshop.com

Follow Deidre on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/deidreferenc/