In this episode, Shana speaks about what she learned as a registered dietician and how she became a hormone healing expert. Shana reveals some unbelievable things that dieticians recommend to their patients, including canola oil! Then, Shana dives into reversing PCOS and how to navigate insulin resistance through lifestyle changes. Tune in as we chat about intermittent fasting, therapeutic fasting levels, and how many carbs you should be eating. 

[01:55] Shana Speaks About Her Journey As A Registered Dietician and  Hormone Healing Expert

Shana is a registered dietician, and she has been in the field for over 20 years.  As a registered dietician, Shana was dealing with her own health issues. She was bloated all the time and had chronic canker sores.  Shana’s son got very ill out of the blue. He was diagnosed with ulcerative colitis.  Ultimately, Shana’s son healed after working with a team from Australia.  Down the road, Shana tried fasting and found that it fixed her bloating and canker sores.  Eventually, Shana wrote Fast To Heal: A 5-Step Guide to Achieving Nutritional PEACE and Reversing Insulin Resistance:

[14:30] It’s Unbelievable: Registered Dieticians Are Recommending Canola Oil! 

When Shana went to school to be a registered dietician, she was taught very little about hormones.  The only time insulin was talked about was when someone had diabetes.  Unfortunately, the US Dietary Guidelines are what they are, and that’s what registered dieticians need to teach.  Hospitals still recommend using canola oil in cooking. We need to change the messaging around saturated fats. 

[23:55] PCOS Stems From Insulin Resistance and Can Be Reversed 

80% or more of PCOS stems from insulin resistance.  PCOS is the number one issue of infertility.  Most women are told PCOS is something they will have to deal with for the rest of their lives.  Luckily, PCOS is something that can be reversed through lifestyle interventions. 

[27:55] What To Do If You’re Not Losing Weight While Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is a highly individual lifestyle.  If you start fasting, most likely, you will see some type of progress with it.  Remember, you don’t want to fast when pregnant or breastfeeding.  Also, don’t try fasting if you have an active eating disorder.  Eight hours of eating and sixteen hours of fasting are great ways to start.  Sometimes, you need to extend your fasts to reverse your disease and start seeing results. 

[34:00] Therapeutic Fasting Levels Will Result In A Reversal of Insulin Resistance 

Therapeutic fasting levels work for almost everybody who is stuck or not seeing any progress.  If you’re ready to get off medications, you have to work with your doctor to monitor your blood sugar levels.  It can be a matter of weeks or even days when you’re coming off some high insulin levels.  Therapeutic fasting is 31 to 42-hour fasts a week.  The therapeutic level of fasting is where almost everyone will see a reversal of insulin resistance.

[39:50] How Many Carbs Should You Eat? Take The Carb Quiz! 

Carbs can be confusing for most people. Shana developed a carb quiz: You want to look at your family history and goals before determining how to incorporate carbs into your diet.  Shana likes everyone below 100 grams of carbs.  Remember, everyone handles carbs differently. If you’re thin and work out, you can handle more carbs. Also, men have more storage capacity for carbs. 

[45:55] Ketones Are Great For Inflammation and The Reason You Should Consider A Meat-Based Approach 

So many people don’t burn ketones.  Burning ketones can be anti-inflammatory in general.  Taking away plant foods for a time period will also be beneficial.  If you have severe issues, following a meat-based diet can help with health problems. Many people think if they are iron deficient, they should eat more kale and spinach. Well, you’re only absorbing 6% of what you’re eating. Plus, it could be causing inflammation. It’s tough to know what foods you react to when you’re ill. 

[55:45] Advice For Women: Should You Fast During Your Period? 

Day one is when you start your period.  During your period is when you should incorporate longer fasts. The week leading up to your period should not include long fasts. The first two weeks of your cycle are the best times for longer fasts. If you are post-menopausal, you don’t need to worry as much about when you’re fasting. 


Resources from this episode: 

Check out Shana’s Website: The Fast To Heal Stories Podcast: Carb Quiz: Follow Shana Facebook: Instagram: LinkedIn: Fast To Heal: A 5-Step Guide to Achieving Nutritional PEACE and Reversing Insulin Resistance: