Like most conventionally trained dietitians, Alyssa Gallagher began her career as a practitioner recommending standard nutrition guidelines, growing frustrated in the process, as her patients were not losing weight or coming off insulin and medications.

Seven years ago Alyssa was introduced to low-carb by a dietitian friend, and started to see results implementing low-carb eating into her own life. She now helps diabetic patients turn their weight and health around.


Instagram: @alyssag_rd

Alyssa was also featured in the insightful documentary, Fat Fiction. You can watch Fat Fiction for FREE HERE on YouTube!


Instagram: @shana.hussin.rdn

Facebook: Fast To Heal With Shana Hussin



BE ON THE PODCAST by emailing [email protected] and sharing your story of how Fast to Heal Services have changed your life! 

GRAB YOUR COPY of the Fast To Heal Recipe book with 85 low-carb, whole food recipes that are simple to prepare!

GET YOUR FREE STARTING GUIDES that will set you well on your way toward a low-carb lifestyle of timed eating! 

MASTER your nutrient profile at mealtimes with five lessons and lifetime access to additional materials!

JUMPSTART your fasting and low-carb protocol by enrolling in my 10-Day Hormone Healing Jumpstart!

ENROLL in Metabolic Makeover, my STARTER COURSE to find your fasting method, implement therapeutic carb restriction, and learn how to bust through weight and health stalls.

I provide 4-Week Personalized Protocols with fasting/timed eating and therapeutic carb restriction recommendations for you to get immersed in a low-insulin lifestyle!

My highest level course, Low Insulin Academy, gives you the tools, knowledge, strategies, and inspiration to master the concepts of fasting, feasting, and living a low-insulin lifestyle, so you can achieve your best health once and for all!