Amanda Blanco interviewed me from Funky Fat Foods! I love Funky Fat Foods because they create chocolate with clean ingredients that don’t spike my blood sugar, while still creating something to satisfy a sweet tooth. We had a wonderful conversation about insulin resistance and one of my son’s health struggles, which ultimately led me to pursue alternative wellness approaches. More on this in the episode! 

[3:56]- Who am I? Why am I so passionate about the teachings I share?

[9:48]- Quality of life vs. life span! 

[15:47]- Feeling like you fell off track? Here’s how to reset your body! 

[24:00]- What are the programs I offer? What approach do I take regarding nutritional recommendations?

[33:15]- How do genetics contribute to metabolic illness predisposition?

[36:10]- Are metabolic diseases reversible? 

If you have a question you would like addressed in a future Q&A episode, share it with us at [email protected]!

Special thanks to Funky Fat Foods for sponsoring this episode. Use code SHANAH for 10% off your whole order of healthy fat-filled chocolates! 


Instagram: @shana.hussin.rdn

Facebook: Fast To Heal With Shana Hussin




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