Dr. Rebecca Bevans has her Ph.D in Cognitive Neuroscience and her Masters Degree in Human Development. She is known as an expert on artificial food dyes and has had the opportunity to give a TedTalk, The Effects of Artificial Food Dyes, sharing the knowledge and research she has studied in regards to them. After having side effects from food colorings amongst her family, she became passionate about them and educating others about the dangers of them as well! 

In this episode we cover all things relating to food dyes, along with: 

[4:13]- I have released a brand new masterclass, You've Got Insulin Resistance and Blood Sugar Issues... NOW WHAT? In this FREE masterclass we discuss the signs of insulin resistance, how to get tested for it, how to interpret those lab results, and how you can help your body heal from it! 

[4:55]- Currently, my only LIVE course, Low Insulin Academy, will be offered again in March. This is my highest level course, going through everything under the sun related to insulin resistance! You can get on the waitlist here! 

[7:20]- Dr. Rebecca’s story and how her son was severely affected by food dyes

[18:33]- Where did food dyes originate from? 

[25:16]- Has the concentration of food dyes changed? Or are there more products containing it nowadays? 

[29:32]- What are the most common food colorings and why do some people react differently? 

[41:16]- Why have other countries banned food dyes and specific food ingredients, but the U.S. still allows them? 

[46:00]- How to remove artificial colorings from your daily life

[52:30]- How to test for reactions and sensitivities to food dyes

[58:12]- How long does it take for the colors to completely clear one’s system after testing? 

[58:50]- Why don’t people understand the severity of food reactivities? 


Website: livingdyefree.org 

Facebook: Living Dye Free 


Instagram: @shana.hussin.rdn

Facebook: Fast To Heal With Shana Hussin

Website: https://www.fasttoheal.info/


FREE Starting Guides

10-Day Low-Insulin Jumpstart 

Metabolic Makeover Starter Course,

4-Week Personalized Protocols 

Low Insulin Academy Online Course

Low Insulin Academy Live WAITLIST

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