Previous Episode: Fast Five with the DLT: Ep. 5

Welcome to Fast Five with the Digital Learning Team where we will be looking at some bite-sized training and goals for your path to conquering your Canvas Courses. Today's special guest is Ashley Jackson (@TechCoachAshley)

Show Notes:

Tip #1: Access all Students/Submission for Google LTI 1.3

If a student has submitted an assignment, it will be on this page:

Can be used to grade and verify student submissions.

Tip #2:  Grade posting practices

Automatic/Manual posting

You can set for the whole gradebook or specific assignments

Resource doc:

Skyward Sync

Set the sync for what works for you, sync when you are ready.

Ashley recommends waiting until the majority of the grades are entered before syncing

Missing assignments

Update the grade status posting

Resource doc:

Tip #3: Message students who function

Not only is this great for remediation, you can use this to message positivity and build connections

Resource doc:

Tip #4: Grade total column and hide from students

Hide the total in Canvas to help with Skyward

Resource doc:

Move the assignments and columns within the Gradebook to meet your needs

Tip #5: Notes Column (Modifications, IEP reminders, personalized notes)

Could be Face to Face, virtual, items to connect about, etc.
Resource doc:

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