It’s Time for Fashion!

It’s time to add the FASHION into the!

For a while now I’ve only been writing, talking, and podcasting about you and your finances.  While learning about your finances is extremely important, so is fashion (in my opinion of course).

I say that fashion is important because everyone has to wear clothes!

That’s just the bottom line right?  There’s just no way around it,
especially when the weather is really hot and humid and you don’t really want to put clothes on, we don’t have a choice - we all have
to wear clothes.

I will continue to talk about finances in between all of the fashion information I share, because…what you wear does have an impact on your finances!  I know you’re thinking “what?”  I will be sharing with you why and how in the coming months.  So stay tuned!

For right now I want you to know that It’s important to care about
what you wear.

I have a question for you:

Did you ever stop to think about what you wear every day?

Think about that for a minute.

With life being so busy all the time, it’s really hard to get everything in your life working for you the way you want it on a daily basis.  We have to juggle things sometimes and there’s always something that comes up.

Fashion and clothes are not always the first thing on people’s mind when they get up in the morning.  Sometimes I think a lot of people are like me and are just happy to know that we even got out of bed, especially when you’re tired and the bed is nice and cozy!

Ok, got a little off-topic, but I just had to share that. :)

For some, the idea of having to put together an outfit feels frustrating, and then having to do it in the morning is even more frustrating, especially if you’re in a rush to get ready, get children ready and get out the door in time.  Oh yah, I forgot to mention all the stuff that needs to happen in between the getting dressed and getting out the door.

There’s like a million things, especially if you have to make your own lunch - who knows what else, it could add up to a lot of things.

It can make anyone crazy!  I’ve been there, done that.  It’s not fun. Learning from the past is sooo great, because now I can help other women with these kinds of things that I’ve gone through as a mother with 4 children - trying to get out the door (In one piece) without screaming and yelling at your children.

I’m not perfect, I did yell at my children but that’s for another time and another story.

Learning how to dress and what clothes look best on you can be

simple and fun with some help if you’re open to recommendations.

Most women I know are open to learning what they can do to up their style.

Who doesn’t want to look good in their clothes, right?

I do know that not everyone is interested in fashion and style, and that’s OK, you don’t have to be.

BUT, you do have to be interested in knowing how to dress for your body type, what colors look best on you and how to make sure your clothes fit you properly.  All of these things will make a big difference on how you feel while you’re wearing your clothes.

These three things are the most common areas of fashion and style that a lot of people don’t know and understand, which ends up in buying clothes that don’t work for them and a lot of money being wasted on those items.

I know a few women that have bought clothes because they thought the items were really nice and they loved the color and oh… it was on sale and was really cheap, only to hang it in their closet with the store tags still on the clothes and never, ever have these clothes seen the light of day again.

Is that you?  Is there anyone out there that is doing that or has done that?

If you have, it’s OK.  No judgment here.  

I would just recommend that you ask yourself some questions, like:

~Are you ever going to wear that item of clothing in your lifetime?

~What did you like about that item, that made you buy it?

~Did you buy it because you were just having a bad day and needed to do some emotional shopping?  (sometimes we have to do that!)

~Does it fit you right?  If you don’t remember, try it on.

If you do have these clothes hanging in your closet with the tags still on them, go in there and ask yourself all these questions about each items.

If you don’t know the answers to any of these questions, then I would recommend that you give it to someone that you know who would really appreciate it and would fit into it.  Or, if you are ashamed to give it to someone that you know then consider donating it to an organization that helps women get back up on their feet and helps them look for a job.

These organizations always need new items of clothing for women to look professional while they are going on job interviews.

Either way, don’t hang onto it if you know you will never wear it.  It’ just creates clutter and takes up space in your closet that you could be using for something that you’ll actually wear on a regular basis.

Believe it or not, clearing out your closet is one of the first steps to learning about how to dress for your body type, what colors look best on you and having your clothes fit you right.

It’s the first step because when you have a closet full of clothes that you don’t even wear, whether it’s brand new or not creates a place of confusion and sometimes stress.

I can also bet that at least half of the clothes in your closet don’t fit
you right, I know this from experience.  Especially since I’ve sewn for women for 25 years.

So, as soon as you can, open your closet and see what’s going on in there.  Start by pulling out an item of clothing that still has tags on them, or you know that you will never wear again.  A little at a time is the best thing to do, don’t try to tackle your closet all in one day.  No stressing allowed.

I know that if you just start there, you will immediately feel an interesting kind of relief.  Try it and find out!

I’m so happy that you’re here and I would love it if you would share this podcast with other people out there, especially women since I talk about women most of the time.  

There’s got to be somebody else out there that you know who would get great value out of listening to this, and if they don’t know what a podcast is then I think it’s time that you show them.

Thank you again for listening because I know everyone is so busy and you could be somewhere else at this time, but you chose to listen to me and I’m so grateful for that - Mahalo!

A Hui Hou Malama Pono, until next time, take care.




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Music by: Dennis Pavao
Song: Ipo Lei Manu
Album: Wale No
Produced by: Pilialoha Production



Dennis Pavao-Album Cover