Today I want to talk about the topic that every woman has

secret feelings about how she feels about her body!


I wanted to start off by letting you know that this is really
common.  Every woman has secret feelings about she feels
about her body.


Secret feelings don’t just show up one day in your mind

and heart, it’s like with anything that you struggle with,
it starts when you were a baby.


The one thing that I have always thought was really fascinating
is how little baby girls are so aware of what’s going on around
them.  If you’ve ever watched little babies, you’ll understand
what I’m talking about - it’s really fascinating.


They seem to be so much older than they really are!  I think it’s just amazing how these little spirits that have come to earth and they’re so much more valiant then ever before, they’re just so much smarter.


And for that reason I want to focus on baby girls that become toddlers, pre-teenagers, teenagers and then women because, those are the stages in a woman’ life that she becomes more and more aware of how her

body looks as she gets older. If you’re a woman, you should have gone through all of those stages in your life and are now you’re at a point where you have recognized that you have these secret feelings about your body!


Secret feelings can be good or bad, and maybe you have both good and bad feelings about certain parts of your body because maybe, you might like your legs but not really liking the rest of your body.  There’s no end to what a woman can feel.


Baby girls are always paying attention to what’s going

on around them, all the time.  That’s just how girls are created, we’re just aware of everything.  If you think about it, that kind of awareness is something that continues on into adulthood.  I know it’s definitely a gift from God given to baby girls, so that when they grow up and become adults and have their own families they will be able to know what’s happening and can nurture their own children.


With that in mind, it’s safe to say that how girls feel about their body is something that they learn from the women around them.  It’s usually a woman and/or grandmother that are/is the one taking care of and raising little girls.

A lot of grandparents are raising kids now days and it’s been happening for decades.


Everything that a baby, toddler, pre-teen & teenage girl hears about her body and other women’s bodies is taken in and processed in a very unique way deep within her mind and heart, because everyone is different.


We take all of these things in, and I’m speaking for myself



From what I’ve seen and heard over the last 25 years working with women and having women clients, is that most of what they say about their bodies is usually negative.

There were some that had extremely negative feelings too.


Because I’ve sewn for women for such a long time, I thought  I’ve heard it all!  But, you know what happens when I have to take my clients body measurements?  They start to reveal their secret feelings about how they feel about their body, because I’m wrapping a tape measure around them.


I guess you might say that they trust me enough to let me take their body measurements, so they trust me enough to tell me how they feel…about a lot of things besides their body.


They’ve said things like - they’ve heard women in their life say things out loud like - I have a big butt, I’m so fat, I’m too short, I’m ugly compared to _ _ _ _ _(you fill in the blank), my boobs are not big enough, I have thunder thighs!  Wow!  


That would scare anyone.  These are only a few of the things that women think and secretly feel about themselves, I have heard many more things from women but I won’t list them all because it’s really sad.


I just love people so much that I don’t even want to say some 

of the things that I’ve heard.


A lot of the secret feelings women have about their bodies 

are a learned behavior and comparing themselves to other 

women.  It’s just natural for a little girl growing up to copy what the women in their life are feeling, what they’re saying and what they’re doing - even if it’s harmful to their mind, their heart, their body and their spirit.


It is possible to overcome this kind of negative feeling about 

your body. (I just wanted to let you know)


It will take a little time if you’re willing and want to let go of 

those negative feelings that have been dragging you down for who knows how long.  It’s not worth holding on to negative secret feelings that are probably not true.


I’ve heard a lot of things that I know are not true about what 

these women are saying.


Women come in all shapes and sizes which is a wonderful 

thing, because that makes us all unique.  You have to know
that your value as a woman is priceless.  I hope you ladies
think about this!


One of the most powerful things that you can do to get started on having a more positive feeling about your body is by learning how to dress for your body shape, and your height.


I can’t stress enough how powerful it is to dress in a way 

that makes you look good in the clothes that you have on!  

I’ve seen it over and over again for many years how wearing 

the right style of clothes that works to highlight the right parts 

of your body (not that there’s a wrong part of your body), but

you want to put an emphasis on the right parts and not only 

that, but wearing the right styles of clothing that fits you per-

fectly and it just happens to give you a boost of confidence 

when you are wearing clothes that fits you right and you feel 

good in it.  


Now that, I say is powerful!  We all want confidence right!


Always remember - you want to wear clothes that work best 

for YOUR body shape and height, and not wear the style of 

clothes that the fashion models are wearing that you see on 

commercials and in magazines and bill-boards, you see it 



A these images that you see are photoshopped, none of it is real.  Just remember these things.


When YOU look good, you FEEL good!  Looking good is different for everyone.


I wanted to share that with you today, it is possible for everyone to look good in the clothes that their wearing.


As I share more podcast episodes, as I mix in the fashion 

and the style and the clothing fit in with your finances - I’m going to show you how it all works together.


I thank you and I really want you to send me a message, you can either email me at [email protected] 

or you can go to my website and send me a voicemail message.


I would love to hear what you would want to know about and 

some of the things that you’re feeling or some of the things 

that you’re learning or any ah-ha moments.  I would love that! 

It really makes my day when I get messages from people.


I really hope that you really get a lot of value and maybe even

re-listen to this episode, because these secret feelings about your body - maybe you want to think about it and see.  Are your

feelings negative or positive?


I would love for you to share this podcast with anybody who you feel would benefit from listening to all of these things that I’m teaching and sharing.


I hope you have a great day and I’ll see you soon, and I will 

definitely be talking with you again.


a hui hou, malama pono - until next time, take care!


Please share this podcast with a friend or family member who 

you think would get some value out of listening to the different

episodes.  I really appreciate it, mahalo for doing that.


a huihou malama pono, which means - until next time, take care


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a voice message through the Speakpipe app.


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Mahalo for listening.


Aloha, Janin Johnston


Music by: Dennis Pavao

Song: Ipo Lei Manu

Album: Wale No

Produced by: Pilialoha Production

If you would like to order a copy of this CD you

can send an email request to Pilialoha Productions

at: [email protected]


Dennis Pavao-Album Cover


Permission was given to use the music from this


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