People with FASD (including FAS) have both primary and secondary disabilities. Secondary disabilities are those disabilities that arise because of a mismatch between the brain damage and factors in the environment--they are not directly caused from the brain damage.

Streissguth, et al (1996) conducted a four year study on the secondary disabilities of 415 individuals with FASD and found six secondary disabilites:

Mental Health Problems - 90% of the 415 had mental health conditions of any type; 61% had ADHD and more than 50% had depression.Disrupted School Experiences - Over 60% had disruptions in school... from suspensions to drop-out.Trouble with the Law - 60% had trouble with the law, with shoplifting and theft the most common crime.Confinement - 50% had been confined, either incarcerated, inpatient mental health hospitalization, or inpatient chemical dependency treatment.Inappropriate Sexual Behavior - 49% had displayed inappropriate sexual behavior, most common was sexual advances, sexual touching, and promiscuity.Alcohol and Drug Problems - 35% had chemical abuse problems.

Feedback or comments may be sent to: Michael__at__FASDElephant__dot__com.