The reason for this sermon is to encourage you to move away
from our selfish desires to be more and have more, a sin that so easily
entangles us, and to join me in moving into a season of freedom and generosity
where true contentment is found.

To learn about this freedom and generosity we will study the
counsel of Paul to his protégé Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:6-11. This is a passage
where Paul encourages Timothy to live differently to the false teachers of the
time who found their identity in riches, popularity, and fame; false teachers
who used their “godliness” for profit and status. Timothy was to be different….

Allow me to speak to you about five steps toward contentment
and freedom from dissatisfaction, disappointment, discontentedness, and

Five steps toward contentment and freedom…

First, Redefine wealth (6)

Second, Keep an eternal perspective (7)

Third, Rejoice in the simple things of life (8)

Fourth, Eradicate Covetousness (9-10)

Fifth, Pursue righteousness (11)

Listen to Pastor Steve's Sermon, Click here.

Steve Pinto

Faro Church