Nutrien Ag Solutions


John Maman of Nutrien Financial. John is focused on helping growers make proactive adjustments to their crop and financial plans in response to external variables that affect profitability. Nutrien's Principal Atmospheric Scientist, Eric Snodgrass, is also available to talk about weather impacts since typically that's one area that plays a critical role in determining the success of every crop.


Who is Nutrieng Ag Solutions?History, Mission, VisionProvides customers with complete agriculture solutions including nutrients, crop protection products, seed, service, and digital tools

How many producers have marketing plans?  Let alone, how many have financial plans?

What factors should farmers be aware of when reviewing their financial plans?market trends, including supply and demand factors, government policies, and global economic conditionsWhat are some tips to protect one from weather impacts and market fluctuations?Manage your cash flow effectivelyDoes Nutrien offer any price forecasting?Have a contingency planWhat strategies do you suggest or have seen executed?Manage your capital and have a sound financial plan in placeHaving capital on hand (cash or credit) gives you optionsWho should producers be working with to aid in the decision making process?DiversifyYeah, we know, but how?Will we start to see the economy fluctuate toward the downside of the commodity cycle?John - starting to see more stability Weather impactsWhat explains the weather patterns we’ve recently had across the midwest? Where will you see the most impact from this?When do you think we’ll move into the El Nino phase?Tell us about your thoughts about the weather shifting from La Nina to El NinoHow will El Niño influence the prevalence and distribution of pests and diseasesIt’s early now, but what are long range forecasts predicting for fall harvest weather or for length of growing season?Are we seeing weather become more violent? Where are you going to see weather play an impact on the economy?What challenges do those producers face ahead?What did we miss?Summary and ChallengeIf you could go back and talk to yourself at age 18, what would you go back and say?