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Right Spot30th AnniversaryCart AceTikTok @CountryCollins2020Great podcast, I listen to it when I’m doing my morning chores in the chicken houses515.207.9640 – let us know why you listen to Farm4Profit

NEW Legacy Farmer Segment #3 – Play clip and react

AgVisor Pro Whats working in Ag

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Balance4Ward episode – Profitability in Livestock (Cattle)

BALANCE4WARD Episode Layout, Talking Points

Guests introduce themselves


Who are we? Who do we focus to help?Cattle feeding management company, focused on helping and creating more opportunities for the mid-market cattlemenStriving to build a better beef supply chain, for operations looking to get moreUniqueness about us, we have 3 businesses within our companyB4W feeders, Cattle Business Systems, Custom SolutionsWhy are we creditable/our approach?We do it, we have skin in the game tooTotally transparent on what we are doing in our own operationLet’s be the best at capturing the most profit per head and not focused on how many cattle can we feed at a timeCattle Business SystemsWhat is it? Our consultative services is a BIG part of our company. We help with overall operational decision making. Learning when and how to take risk in the cattle market. Lots of different tools out there, learning when and how to use each one is the problem. What lever can we pull at any given time in the marketGroup of experts/team assembled to help you out, we understand you wear a many different hats, that’s what makes you unique, so how can we assist and bolt onto your operation? 18 month windows, we’ve studied what the industry wealth earners are all doingStaying in cash-to-cash markets is capping our overall opportunity per year, we need to vary our inventory better to take advantage on when the market is low and sell more when the market IS HIGH.Corn correlation, managing inventories better, let’s separate these as 2 businesses Contact us for more information. What are the next steps in learning more about us and what we have to offer?