General Questions

First let’s start by comparing this time last year to this year.  Have there been more or less sales in 2023 than 2022?Is Covid officially done causing issues to the equipment market? Will Farm Bill discussions have any influence on the market?How about foreign relations with China or the battle in Ukraine?Overall do you feel the current market and recent sales are stronger or weaker than a year ago?What about new equipment?  How are PUK’s effecting the market?What effect do interest rates have on purchasing power?Who have the sellers been?Who have the buyers been?When you reflect on successful sales.  Is there something sellers have been doing that has really been working? or set their sale apart from the rest?How about flipping the script.  What is your best advice for a buyerDo you have a prediction for 2024?Anything else you’d like our listeners to know?Reminder to share CONTACT INFO 


What’s your favorite part about what you do?

