Building Financial Independence in Farming: A Conversation with Mary Jo Irmen


Today, we're excited to have Mary Jo Irmen, founder of, joining us to discuss how she helps farmers achieve financial independence.

Mary Jo, could you start by giving us a brief overview of your background and how you got involved in helping farmers with their finances?

It was never my intent to teach the world about the Infinite Baking Concept much less write two books. However, sometimes in life things find you and in the 2008 the stock market crash lead me to the Infinite Banking Concept.That was all I needed, FiscalBridge, LLC was born then and there. I quickly found people were not comfortable with handling their own finances because the industry leads us to believe we are not smart enough. This was a truth no one told me about, it is my mission to share it with all and make sure it’s done so in a way you understand and succeed.


Understanding the Concept of Financial Independence

Mary Jo, many farmers may not be familiar with the idea of financial independence. Can you explain what it means in the context of farming?How does achieving financial independence differ from simply turning a profit in farming?What if I am skeptical?What is Human Life Value? How much insurance can I have?What if you are not insurable?How old is this concept?Can I use policies I already have?Where do I find my money to start?

The Role of Banking and Finance in Farming

How does your approach differ from conventional banking?What are some common financial challenges that farmers face, and how do you help them overcome these challenges?With your program where do traditional banks fit now?

Building Wealth and Stability

What are some key strategies you recommend for farmers looking to secure their financial future?Can you share any success stories or examples of farmers who have significantly improved their financial situation through your guidance?

Addressing Common Misconceptions

What are some of these misconceptions, and how do you debunk them?What advice do you have for farmers who may be hesitant to explore alternative financial strategies?Can you mix and match?

Looking Ahead

As the agricultural industry continues to evolve, what trends do you see emerging in terms of financial management for farmers?


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