Explain the differences between Farm4Profit shows and Farm4Fun shows – alternating weeksRemind people to hit SUBSCRIBE – REMEMBER TO READ REVIEWS David Swenson – I picked up your podcast last fall after the derecho from a friend’s recommendation.  Those episodes were a huge help navigating that period of time.  I am still catching up but I’ve really enjoyed all the podcasts. The social media interviews have been awesome too!Commercial for BW Fusion Product – 401 & Meltdown combinedJerod McDaniel @JerodmcdanielAll about Jerod – Where are you from and what do you do? What kind of farm?Exercise and being healthHis Podcast –Ag UncensoredWhat is Twitter to you? He has over 112,000 tweetsHaving kids on the farm – involving themCold Snap?Unique understanding of commodity marketsBill GatesUnique ability to question everythingReminder for:SWAG Auction Travis Burkhart Foundation Fundraiser UpdateWebsite to go live soon  sale ends 3/26/2021