Pre-Roll Commercial – TBDWelcome to a Farm4Fun episode Share their ideas at [email protected] listener review today is brought to you by Geringhoff – head of the class no matter the crop ……….(Add LIB)Text from 260.564.xxxAs I listen to the newest Farm4Fun episode I was wondering if you could talk about on tips for foliar feeding at higher pressure and lower volumes. Thanks guys, keep up the great work!


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Zach Haase@lanegorrell10 on Instagram 12.7k @lagorrell on tiktok 373.1kOK State AlumWhat degree?CattleWhat kind of cowsFishingHunting (duck)Working outPeople just follow him for his muscles?Maybe it’s the power of his mustacheShowed pigsWheat, any other crops?YEEYEEDance trends on tiktokAlways dancingWhat is the family farming dynamic? Brother & sisterSingle?How has the weather treated you this year?What’s the future hold? – What do you want to be when you grow up?Any time for other Hobbies or collections?Played basketball, baseball, football, ran trackDO/Marry/Kill variation – Have in your house, can never see again, your neighbor has 100’sCat, dog, parrotCow, pig, horseAnts, spiders, snakesBankers, IRS Agent, Jehovahs WitnessesNatalie Portman, Michelle Pfeiffer, scarlet johansen        Best ag SWAG gift you have ever been given or gave away?New Year New QuestionWhat is the best advice you have been given?