Remind people to hit SUBSCRIBE – REMEMBER TO READ REVIEWS Adam Bissell – “Hey Guys! Love the podcast. I am an organic farmer in Central Michigan and get tons of seat time cultivating all summer and your podcast helps me pass the time.  I love all of the guests. Keep up the good work and have a great holiday season!”Set up the Drinking Game (Pick a Word) = cyclonesCarson King @CarsonKing2All about Carson King   Have him tell his story – quicklyWho was the coolest person you met along the way?Who was the biggest let down after meeting them?Where are things at now?What are you doing, how’s the charity?How has Covid-19 impacted your charity/business?You grew up on a farm, remember much about it?Graduated ISU – go clones (fav show Jamie Pollard)Cats or Dogs?Names? – Theme?What is something you are really good at?What have you always wanted to do?Biggest surprise you’ve had in the last few monthsYou’re an influencer – who influences you?How can people get a hold of you?Reminder for:Black Friday/Cyber Monday lists from the listenersOver 30 responsesLink to the list on Farm4Profit homepageWalkabout Mother Bin Commercial – Cost $150,000 recoup in 2-3 seasonsPolar vortex coming 1st of the year – BAMWXSelf-Serve Meat counterElf on the Shelf ideas