Farm4Fun Hosts Show


Survey Results


Who are we?

What’s your tie to agriculture?Why you said yes to being a host on the podcastBest memories since starting the podcastWorst memories since starting the podcastWhat have you learned from the podcast?What part have you learn the most from?Who have you learned the most from?What do you want to see us do in the future?What do you hope the future of the podcast becomes?What could our listeners do to help us get there?Who do you wish we partnered with?Which partner did you least enjoy working with?Any funny podcast hosting experiences?Any fun/weird/funny tradeshow travels experiences?Do you have any funny memories from high school?College?Any stupid stuff you did as a kidWhat was your first job?What do you wish your first job was?David – Fire Fighting stories?Favorite task on the farmLeast favorite task on the farmDrink of choiceWhat won’t you drink?Bucket list of places to see?How did you meet your wife?Favorite part about your spouseNot going to make you say the least favoriteFavorite part about having kidsWorst part?If you weren’t doing what you are doing what you would be doing?If we hadn’t started the podcast what would you be doing with your time?What could you never do?What have you done that you didn’t think you could ever have done?


Would you rather:Fly with limited equipment to record or drive and bring all the equipment?Record on site at a trade show or in studio with a guest?Never be able to choose a guest again or Never have a sponsor againRecord a show as solo host or have to prepare the outlinesOnly get negative feedback or 

What would you tell yourself at 18 if you could or one of our listeners at 18?