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Sukup Booth 2/29/2024 11:00 AM


Bridgette Readel

How’s the family - do they farm with family?Wife, mom, passionate agriculturalist, NDSU Bison & rhubarb advocateWhat do they want to make sure they see before they leaveAbout BridgetteFarm kid extraordinaire…..NDSU gradBoth herself and husband are heavily involved in agriculture and have two adult childrenGraduated as a high school ag teacher….Now active teaching adults about agriculture product+25 years of industry experience in sales and technical agronomyWorked for Corteva for 10 yrs (until 2022) - market development specialist, enlist field specialistServed as mentor and trainer for +70 students and new hires in salesActive public speaker, radio host, sales mentorAg director at WDAY 970 AM - broadcasting and media productionLilac Lane MediaAgriculture sales training…Negotiations training for ag sellers, personality styles, media trainingWeekly Ag EducationVoice OversPartners: Rural Minds: mental health … Ag Mafia … Agronomy on IceNooner Chats on twitter - little podcast episode with different guestsRight now, who inspires you?


Would you rather

Be constantly itchy or constantly stickyEat cold pizza or hot cereal for breakfastHave a cow or horse living in your houseBeen the oldest or youngest child in your familyLive in a boat or a treehousePublicly speak or do a voice overGo to a trivia night or go to a standup show


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