3 Year Anniversary Episode!!!

Pre-Roll Commercial – Geringhoff – head of the class no matter the cropWelcome to a Farm4Profit episode Share their ideas at [email protected] listener review today is brought to you by AG LEADER Cab to cab. Season to season. There’s only one way to do it all on your farm: Ag Leader it. Ag Leader offers the complete package of year-round precision farming tools to help you steer it, plant it, apply it, harvest it, and manage it more efficiently and profitably. (Add LIB)Randy Hammersmith Voicemail


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What do you know now that you wished you would have known 

when you were younger or just sooner in general?


Guest Vance Crowe

Vance Crowe is a communications consultant that has worked for corporations and international organizations around the world. He has spoken before more than 150,000 people, answering questions about some of the most sophisticated and controversial technologies in the modern age. munications that remain hidden to most people.

Vance holds a degree in communications from Marquette University and a master’s degree in cross-cultural negotiations from the Seton Hall 

Vance is the former Director of Millennial Engagement for Monsanto.



5/16/22 – F4P – E181 – Farm4Fun with Zoe Kent

            It will all work out in the end.  Trust in yourself to continue the path and when you look back on it you’ll think it all worked out.


5/16/22 – F4P – E76 – No Two Springs Alike with Bodie Kitchel, BW Fusion (Agronomy update)

Never stop where you’re at today.  Keep your pursuit to always keep learning.  You would probably say “Everything!”  If you really knew all you know now – then – would you be complacent, lazy, and lose your drive?  Always be excited to keep learning.


5/9/22 – F4F  - E169– Ryan Roossinck - Beer Money Pulling Team and TractorZoom

I wish I had known it was ok to fail.  I wasted so much of my life and my opportunities, because I was striving for the perfect, instead of the good.  Life ain’t perfect and neither are you!  So stop wasting time trying to be perfect while opportunities pass you by.


4/25/22 – F4F – F168 – New York Farm Girls! Evelyn (22), Claudia (19), JoJo (16)

Evelyn – I wish I knew about this podcast.  I have a 30 minute commute to work every day, and this is going to be my new thing.

Claudia – When you think of other people’s perception of you, and if you’re concerned what other people are thinking about you, you’re never going to truly live your best life.  Have confidence in yourself, and it will take you to big places! Just trust to be yourself!

4/11/22 – F4F – E167 – Mike Schulte of the Pork Tornadoes

Regarding jobs, careers, passions that aren’t traditional – whatever your passionate or care about, make it successful.  Be passionate because that means something.Put everything you can into it and figure it out. 


3/28/22 – F4F – E166 – National Farm Machinery Show, Louisville, KY – Andy Paztor, a/k/a Andy Clean (no question)

            Quint – Still the more I learn, the less I know. 


3/21/22 – F4P  - E72 – Steve Sukup, President and CEO, Sukup Manufacturing, Sheffield, IA – Leadership and Innovation 

In business – should have stepped back sooner to get a better perspective. 


3/14/22 – F4F – E165 – The Latina Farmer – Katherine Marcano-Bell

              I should have listened to my mother-in-law.  Don’t be so eager to help out on the farm or please your

husband.  You’ll have to drive something or help out more on the farm.  

Momma Wanna (Dominican Republic drink ) A favorite food – MoFongo 


3/7/22 – F4P –E71 – Commodity Turmoil – Todd Hultman of DTN – 

On location - National Farm Machinery Show, Louisville, KY

              WWIA – Bill Dickhut from Geringhoff

              I learned to lower the weight of the fundamental assessments you hear from USDA or anyone else. The Market is the best indicator for trends and volatility.  The Market tells you.


2/28/22 – F4F – E164- On location – The National Farm Machinery Show, Louisville, KY

            Kyle Zarate – Keep your circle small.  I would have ‘cherry-picked’ people better… I wish I had the knowledge I have now when I was younger, but honestly,I don’t think I would have change a lot.

Loren – I would have had more kids! When they were little, we thought how much work they were and what a

pain in the butt.  But after they got older, I wish I had 10! (Tractor – Deere Commander)

Dalie – (being only 17 years old) Don’t be afraid to ask for help. (Tractor – Sibling Rivalry)


2/21/22 – F4P – E70 – Avoiding a Repeat of the 80’s – David Widmar

            We need a framework for dealing with uncertainty.We live in a world full of uncertainty.No one teaches us how to quantify, navigate, or communicate through it.  We need to update our thinking.  Use a decision tool to network and be more disciplined through uncertainties. 

It’s not the decisions you make in the bad years that cause trouble, it’s the one’s you make in the good years.


2/14/22 – F4F – E163 – Valentine’s Day Power Couple – Steven & Melissa Pierce

            Steven – I wish I knew things could be done differently than the way dad or gpa did them.  Just because it’s

always been done this way, doesn’t make it the best way.  Think outside the box and try different ways to 

do things.

Melissa – I wish the things that you stressed out about when you were younger, I shouldn’t have worried about

them so much.Just do your best, and don’t stress.


2/7/22 – F4P – E69 – Dr. Richard Smith – Where is the Inflation Taking Us?

            I wish I had realized how valuable our local lives are.


1/31/22 – F4F – E162 –Randy Nessman – Master PipeLayer and Zach Johnson – Millennial Farmer 

            Jim McArthur/Randy Hammersmith (twin brother) guest zoom appearance-Zack Attack song

Randy Nessman – Pipe is Life! (Dave interprets that as ‘don’t wait to make good decisions.’)


            HOSTS – Tanner – I wish I would have trusted myself in certain instances sooner than I did.  When you think

something’s a good idea, just do it! (other guys feedback -But that probably has equal amount of times when

you wish you hadn’t)

            Corey – I was gonna say something about women, but…. Instead, I wish I had bought bit coin at $100.00.

            Dave – I wish I wouldn’t have said something.  I should have bit my lip and bided my time! Apologize more. 


1/17/2022 - F4F - E161 - J Lazy S Angus Ranch, Idaho - Chyenne Smith

                I wish I had started sooner (in ranching).  We were worried about the financial burden.  Start small, and take a

                 chance.  Don't be afraid to try.  If you know it's what you want to do, just do it. The finances will work if you

                 have passion.  Be passionate, try, and don't give up!


1/3/2022 - F4F - E160 - Tony Feed and friends - invited back 3 of the top 10 guests - 

                       Tony Reed, Huey B Cool, and Justin Danger Nunley

            Tony – The older I get, the smarter my dad was.I wouldn’t do that…and he was right.Listen to your dad.

            Justin – Don’t worry so much about what other people think.  I wish I wouldn’t have worried as long as I did

about other people.Be unapologetically yourself!

Huey – Things take time, but you have time!  Do more things in your life; you can always change courses.


12/27/21 - F4P - E66 - Most Common Traits of Successful Farmers - Robert & Emily Sharkey

            2021 question - Emily - be the dumbest person in the room; surround yourself with people who inspire you and

            push you to be better; no time for nay sayers or negativity; don't let people bring you down.

            2022 question-Rob - Don't criticize yourself so much; focus on what you do well; be more confident;


12/20/21 - F4F - E159 - Bushels & Barrels - Ryan Peter

            Never be afraid to fail.  Don't plan to fail, but "expect" to in some degree.  When you start a business, be ready

            to fail in some way; don't be afraid to try something new on a small scale, and be ready to take the idea 

            even bigger.