Previous Episode: Weekend 4 bahasa Inggris
Next Episode: Weekend 6

Me : Hi yana , how are you today?
I : Hi farika, I'm fine thank you. Is there anything I can help?
Me : Do you know what COVID-19 is?
I : Of course, covid-19 is an infectious disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Most people who contract COVID-19 will experience mild to moderate symptoms, and will recover without special treatment. And according to WHO COVID-19 is considered a pandemic.
Me: It's true that Covid-19 has even caused many deaths in various parts of the world. How is the condition of the Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia? Is this year getting any better?
I : Latest status of COVID-19 cases in Malaysia until 22 September 2021, cured cases is 19 702 cases. 156 vaccination centre will be operating to vaccinate teenagers from 23 September. It will be implemented by through three methods. Then how is the condition of this pandemic in Indonesia?
Me : COVID-19 cases in Indonesia in mid-July have reached their peak, but in early September the graph has decreased. However, currently many schools in Indonesia have not implemented face-to-face learning because many have not received vaccinations and permits from the government.
Have you been vaccinated?
I : I have completed 2 doses of vaccine with Sinovac vaccine. For your information, in Malaysia, if you have completed 2 doses of vaccine only allowed to dine in at restaurant. How about you, have you been vaccinated?
Me : Yes, I have been vaccinated but only the first dose. I hope the situation in Indonesia and Malaysia will improve soon. Do you know what health protocols are implemented in Malaysia? Please give me an explanation.
I : Malaysian's protocol implemented by the Ministry of Health in the treatment of COVID-19 in Malaysia is PATIENTS infected with COVID-19 who have received treatment within 14 days will be allowed to return even if they still test positive for the virus. The infectiouness is still there but according to the WHO report, if they havr passed the 14 day period, the infectiouness is zero. The new protocol is in line with the latest findings of the WHO as well as studies of South Korea and Taiwan found that COVID-19 infectiousness is almost zero after 14 days of patients receiveng treatment.
Me: Thank you for answering my question.