Inge Bardor – One of the most famous “Super Psychics” in the world was featured in Drunvalo Melchizedek’s, “LIVING IN THE HEART.” She teaches normal humans how to activate their "super psychic" abilities and just finished her first book called, “SCREENS.”


“Over 1,000 children were found in Mexico City who were able to “see” using the exact same body parts as the kids in China. Blindfolded, an 18-year-old Mexican girl, Inge Bardor, can accurately know everything about the people or place in a photo simply by touching the photo. Inge can also describe the person who took the picture and what the photographer was wearing that day. In one photo of the inside of a house, Inge psychically went into the house describing exactly what was down a hallway that was not shown in the photo! Testing her ability to read with her feet, she stood blindfolded on a newspaper and read it perfectly.”