Have you made New Year's resolutions that include new and exciting travel plans? Awesome! What's holding you back? I see so many people talking themselves out of traveling until one day when they come into a windfall then go overboard and are let down by the whole experience. In this episode I talk briefly about traveling in Asia, costs, options, and why it's so important when you first start traveling, or haven't traveled in awhile to bite off a little bit at a time. Maybe visit one city as part of a first time trip to Asia, or if you haven't traveled in a few years and are trying to get your travel legs back. Also in this episode, a few general travel questions from some of my Periscope followers. Thanks so much for listening. You can support the podcast for as little as $2/month by becoming a patron! Patrons get access to exclusive content along with other offers. Visit my Patreon page to find out more:https://www.patreon.com/FarEastTravels