My Expat series continues with Canadian expat DaveInOsaka on life in Japan. Dave has been working and living in Osaka, Japan for 18 years and shares what it's been like for a guy from Hamilton- Ontario, Canada turned English Professor to adjust, live, and work in Japan's third largest city. Dave first left for Japan 18 years ago with a plan of only staying for 6 months to a year. How did a short stay turn into almost a lifetime? I ask Dave why he likes living in Japan, how it's made him a better person. What it's like to adjust into a new society and culture. How difficult it is to meet someone that's not necessarily interested in you just because you are a foreigner and more! Have you thought about living abroad and working as an Engish teacher? Dave shares with you his advice.
Dave is also a prolific Tweeter and livestreamer on Twitter: Periscope:@Wagamamamama You can also follow Dave day on Instagram:Daveinosaka.
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