Jake’s on vacation and the gang is left to their own devices! This week on The Dork-Bajir Chronicles, we talk about what we would do if we were in the same position as the teenage rogues in Animorphs #37: The Weakness.

Questions we answered this week: 

How would you have dealt with not having Jake around during the Inspector’s visit?

How would you use morphing to deal with hanging out with your group of friends but that one “integral” friend isn’t there? 

How would you use a cheetah morph in your own life for purely personal reasons?

This week’s Fanimail:

@the_slan: https://twitter.com/the_slan/status/1088967258985189377?s=19 

@ElgeneRosetta: https://twitter.com/ElgeneRosetta/status/1140023033983373313 

Check out our Podcast Page on the Collective Legacy Podcast Network site: www.collectivelegacy.org/fanimorphs 

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Thanks for listening!

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