We’re back for another Ax attack! This week on The Dork-Bajir Chronicles we read Animorphs #38: The Arrival, the Ax book where an Andalite team of assassins lands on Earth to kill Visser Three! Also, Ax gets horny for the first female Andalite he’s seen in years, although it’s all tinged with a bit of sexism (oops). 

This week’s Fanimail:

@PotatoToesies: https://twitter.com/PotatoToesies/status/1098018870294650881?s=19 

@Kierin_Andrews: https://twitter.com/Kierin_Andrews/status/1149511233374044162 

Check out our Podcast Page on the Collective Legacy Podcast Network site: www.collectivelegacy.org/fanimorphs 

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