Author, Cartoonist, Recovering Addict, Tony Rubino talks to us about his new book that takes a humorous slant at getting sober in, The High Points of Sobriety.

Tony Rubino is not yet a household name, but if you are familiar with the nationally syndicated comic strip, Daddy's Home, then you know some of Rubino's work. Rubio has written half a dozen books and counting.

Now, Rubino takes on the hardest topic that he's ever faced and that's opening up based on personal anecdotes and other real stories from people who are attempting to get sober or have gotten sober over the years in The High Points of Sobriety.

Rubino even gets a bump by Emmy-Award Winning actor, playwriter and comedian, Leslie Jordan who said, “Lord have mercy. When I read The High Points of Sobriety, so many memories of my drinking and using days came flooding back. This book makes me so glad I got sober.”

Sobriety from what I have come to understand from people like Rubino and others that I know who have gotten sober is after coming to terms with hitting rock bottom and fully examining who you are as a person, where you currently are in your life and how do you want to fix it. What is even more difficult for people to realize about someone like Rubio, who described himself as a, "functioning alcoholic" is that when  you go from being the life of the party to coming to terms with not enjoying the party anymore, you need to check out and find out who is the new  you.

I was lucky enough to have this conversation with Rubino about his struggles, his successes and how his life has changed in the last two decades.

I also enjoy that he has two-to-three pages at the end of the book dedicated to help lines for people seeking to get out of their current situation as addicts and if that is enough to help just one person, then Tony Rubino has done his job.

For more information on Tony Rubino follow him on Instagram @rubinodaddyshome. To find his books or his comic strip, visit his official website at