Til Kingdom Come is a fascinating documentary about the growing support from Evangelical Protestants who have used their political influence in the United States and a unique understanding of theology to support the State of Israel.

Filmmakers Maya Zinshtein and Abie Troen talked about their unique experience in meeting up with several Evangelical groups and supporters of Israel, but what appears to be a more dangerous ideology in seeking Armageddon.

When I was in graduate school I learned of this theology in that some Evangelicals sects accept the covenant of God with Abraham and his descendants as part of Christian tradition instead of the new covenant that the Apostle Paul speaks of throughout his Epistles. Unlike, High Church Christianity, these groups seek not only political influence but are attempting to force the Hand of God in gathering up the Jewish people, sending them back to Israel and force the Second Coming of Christ.

They also negate the fact that 30 percent of Palestinians are Christian, primarily Eastern Orthodox, along with Byzantine Catholics and High Church Protestants, ignoring not only their identity but the Christian presence that has been in the Middle East since the Apostolic Age.

I am of the Eastern Orthodox Christian faith and have been told numerous times by people of these sects that I am not a Christian and that I have no understanding of the Holy Bible, so there is no surprise to those of us on the receiving end of that worldview in how they feel about other the trunk of the Christian tree.

Maya Zinshtein, Abie Troen and I have a fascinating discussion about what it means to be Jewish and practically fetishized for their identity, especially when Zinshtein professes to be a secular Jew instead of a practicing religious one and what that means for someone like her when these denominations look to a religious State of Israel instead.

Til Kingdom Come will be available nationwide Watch Now @ Home Cinema Release on Friday, February 26, 2021.