Texas native, Producer/Director/Animator Eric Power released his animated feature Attack on the Demons in virtual theaters, VOD and DVD.

Power worked with longtime friend Andreas Petersen, who wrote the film and also voices about five characters in the feature. Power, along with his wife Alicia also voice a few characters. The movie took roughly a year to make with Power cutting out pieces for the stop motion animation giving it a South Park: Year One feel and for those of us old enough to remember it, an MTV Liquid Television 1990s vibe.

Power spoke with me from his home office in The Lone Star State on Election Night 2020 as America still holds bated breath in awaiting the presidential results. Luckily, for Power and myself, we were able to take a little breather, talk about animation, some of our favorite influences in animation and anime that allowed him to believe at an early age that cartoons weren't just kids stuff anymore.

Attack on the Demons made me feel I was reliving 1994 only this time instead of being attacked by grunge music, it was real demons gnawing at me. To find out that all the animation was done by Power alone on a micro-budge makes the film all that more impressive and it was a pleasure in getting to know this artist.

Official Synopsis:

The year is 1994 - For centuries, a demonic cult has been plotting the destruction of mankind. When a small Colorado town is overrun by a legion of mutating demons, three non-demon hunter friends must use every skill their minds can fathom to stave off the demon apocalypse.

Laced with a killer new soundtrack, and featuring the voices of Andreas Petersen, Thomas Petersen, Katie Maguire, and Eric Power, Attack of the Demons is available now on VOD and DVD.

Follow Eric Power on Twitter @ericpowerup on Instagram @ericpowerup and visit his official website at www.ericpowerup.net.

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