Amy is an expert in content repurposing and the Founder of Content 10x – a niche creative agency.

She helps content creators grow their audience by maximizing their return on the content they create. 

In This Episode You'll Learn What is content repurposing? How much time does it take to repurpose a piece of content? (I loved this answer!) Examples of what you can do with a team (or lots of time) vs. what you can do as a solopreneur with limited time. What is the best starting point with content creation? Tools to make content repurposing easier How Amy launched into entrepreneurship and then built her team into what it is today. How Amy leveraged content repurposing to write her book.

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I'm committed to building an inclusive and anti-racist business. I support LGBTQIA+ rights and the rights of all intersectional identities. I believe that business should be a force for dismantling systems of oppression and actively invest in my own learning to fulfill this role.

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