For a sports team to perform at the top of their game it is important that all the players take in their positions. No one player on the team is more important than the other, but everyone has a different role to play. Together they achieve much more than they each could on their own.

In marriage, each of us has a different role to play. Again, one role isn’t more important than the other, but for our marriage to thrive the way God intended it, we need to look at the roles we play as husband or wife. God created us with equal value, but assigned us different roles.

In this episode, we unpack the important value of the “help-meet” as critical support in the battle formation of our marriage as well as the privilege and responsibility of being the captain of the ship. What does supporting with grace look like? What does leading by laying down your life look like?

We believe exploring the roles God gave us to play in this marriage union will help us step into a space of true oneness in marriage and be a team for good.

Tender Warrior - Stu Webber