Credit: Yasmin Mogahed

Yasminmogahed mentions Allah is telling us that He is what we expect from Him. He is as we think of Him; we have to be a people who think positive of Allah subhanaw taala from hadith-e- Qudsi with English subtitle. She speaks about complaining to Allah is different than complaining about Allah. The difference complaining about Allah is why me? It’s not fair; how could You do this to me; anger, resentment lack of acceptance. That’s a contradiction to sabr  and we have to avoid this type of response. If we have responded in this way we have to fix it. There always hope by the way I don't want anyone ever. Yasmin Mogahed Quotes “There are things that happened in your life and at the time you wished it would stop. You wished it hadn't happened .But after time if you go back and you look you can say thank....”

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