Welcome to Family in Focus with Wendy Schofer, MD, Episode #33.

I help you parent without all the food and body drama.

So let's get drama-busting.

One of the biggest dramas that I had was "knowing" what was healthy and then seeing my family make other choices. And then fearing the health outcomes of their "unhealthy" choices.

No wonder I felt miserable.

In today's episode, I unpack what we know about health and bodies, and challenge you to start considering what we don't really know.

I dive into my definition of health - and how it's powering me and my family every single day (hint: check out the video game health bar - see, my kid did teach me something from video games!).

And when you're ready to start applying this in your own home, check out www.wendyschofermd.com for more information about my coaching programs, as well as the blog at www.wendyschofermd.com/blog.

Disclaimer: While Wendy Schofer, MD discusses health and wellness, this is not medical advice and she is not your doctor. Optimal health is achieved in combination with your physician, who collaborates with you for your individual health. Talk to your doctor. And tell them about Family in Focus. Mwah!