living a healthy lifestyle is hard for many families it is riddled with both struggles and successes here at family health solutions we make it easy for families to live a healthy life by breaking down common health concerns believe systems and obstacles that are affecting so many family each week you will learn simple to follow solutions based on five essentials of healthy living and now here is your host Dr Tim Smith of new life chiropractic what is your host Dr Tim Smith here on family health solutions where every week we're talking about natural health solutions for the entire family to help change the way you view and manage your health for better health outcomes today I want to talk about the most important essential and a healthy lifestyle and our office new life chiropractic and with the principles of Max living that we teach in the five essentials of true health the first and most important essential my personal favorite is core chiropractic today I want to shed some light on why chiropractic ease the most important health essential and how it will change the way that your body functions and adopt the stresses in your life for better natural health outcomes the truth about real health is that your body is designed to heal itself your body is designed to be healthy for your entire life your body is designed to adapt and modify its function according to the lifestyle and environment you that you were a part of and it's constantly repairing regenerating healing from the inside out the way it was designed to so then you wonder why so many people are sick in pain suffering on disease with all types of diagnosis is on bag fulls of hills not living to their true health and wellness potential it's because there's too much interference between the brain the nervous system and the body the most common cause of interference is what's called subluxation when your spine shifts out of its normal alignment and interferes with the nerves from the brain to the body this can happen at the brain stem the spinal cord of the individual nerve roots and as a chiropractor that's exactly what we focus on people think of chiropractic is neck pain or back pain or headaches or some type of the treatment of the spine or something to help you feel better or help you recover after an injury or an accident the other many car parts to focus in these areas and people get results in these areas because of the brain and nervous system but really where doctors of the brain where doctors of the nervous system and the true power and healing potential of car practically comes from finding and correcting subluxation removing interference to the brain body connection allowing the body to heal itself naturally the way it's designed to that's why core chiropractic is the first and number one most important essential because none of the other essentials matter if you have so much interference between your brain and nervous system of the body cannot function and he'll so let's look into some of the research behind this and why chiropractic is the most important health essential I'm gonna read you some research articles and the effects of subluxation according to the journal of American geriatrics older men and women with hyper kyphosis witches poor posture a rounded humpback posture die earlier from all cause mortality and the further that posture goes for the faster they are dying from these chronic health issues the journal archives of internal medicine found those who lost just three centimeters or more of height were sixty four percent more likely to die and also suffer from things like coronary heart disease as those who lost less than one centimeter this was a twenty year study of over forty two hundred men not just a small little sample size the Goldenberg study of scoliosis tracks scoliosis patients throughout their lifetime all of whom they found died significantly earlier than the average life expectancy of people of similar age and similar orientation in life average life loss was forty fourteen to twenty years fourteen years plus taken off for life because of scoliosis no doctor tells you that it is well documented a scientific fact that the cerebral cortex your brain shrinks after ten years or more of uncorrected chronic back or neck pain within just two weeks of subluxation scientists have found that structural changes happening at that particular joint and neurological neuro degenerative neural plastic changes happening in the brain and the nervous system itself irreversible damage happening within two weeks of subluxation that you likely will not see or feel and it was a landmark study published in the journal over Teeple subluxation research where Clara proctor's collaborated with researchers at the university of Lund found that chiropractic care could influence the basic physiological process affecting oxidative stress oxidative stress is how fast your cells turnover how basically how fast your body ages they measured serum file which is the primary antioxidant that serves as a measure of human health status the test provides a circuit estimate of DNA repair enzyme activity which has been shown to correlate with lifespan in aging and this is the amazing things they found patients under chiropractic care for two to twelve months have significantly elevated serum file levels and patients under care for one to six years of wellness care stabilization care at least every other week care during that time they had the absolute highest levels and we're actually shown to reverse the aging process and slow down so either degeneration basically they were adding years to your life because of corrective chiropractic care the Canadian memorial university study with a look at interleukin two which has long been known to stimulate T. lymphocytes to fight via viral and bacterial infection they found after one just one specific adjustment to that the rustic the mid back area immediately elevated that interleukin two for a period of two hours after that adjustment now there are pharmaceutical companies that have created synthetic interleukin called pro Lucan for treatment of cancers like renal cell carcinoma malignant melanoma and other viral infections to use it as an immune system booster any each shot of pro lookin ranges from several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars for one shot where your body will do the exact same thing after the proper chiropractic adjustment so sometimes people will say I'm sick I don't want to come in today I tell them that's the best thing you could do is to come in because you're going to get an immediate boost to your immune system up to three hundred percent of its normal to help your body fight off that infection itself the way it's designed to that is not you released with every chiropractic adjustment and further they found in a study at New York University in the cancer prevention research center that chiropractic patients again under regular care this is weekly care for five years or more had immune systems that were on average over three hundred percent stronger than those who are not getting chiropractic care and if you're patient the office and you think to yourself I really don't get sick as often or when families tell me the kids are getting sick is often we're not going to the doctor's office were saving money on healthcare since we've been getting a regular car product to carry and year after year that continues I share with them that's exactly what we expect because every time you're getting adjusted your immune system is getting stronger because the immune system is regulated by the nervous system when you have less stress less interference better function of the nervous system because your spine is healthier it's in the proper position it's moving and there is no subluxation interfering with communication from the brain to the body your body will work better so you think about how much his lifetime family chiropractic care worth if you look at the research it's priceless it's gonna save you tend to hundreds of thousands of dollars over your lifetime it's gonna add quality years to your life it's going to slow down and even reverse the aging process it's gonna boost your immune system to fight off infection and disease naturally so you don't need a flu shot you don't need vaccines you don't need antibiotics in a bunch of medications to mask or manage the symptoms of a disease process that your body is able to prevent and fight off on its own because of a healthy brain and nervous system that's free of interference that's why I absolutely love what I do is a chiropractor that's why I'm so passionate about educating people on the powerful health benefits of chiropractic and teaching about what chiropractic really is because I know if every man woman and child in our community run a regular car practice we have the healthiest mean the world I know of everybody knew exactly what I knew about what chiropractic is in the potential of what it can do for your health and health of your family everybody would get chiropractic care I get adjusted every single week my kids my family get checked in adjusted at least every other week to make sure that their absolute best it's not about making sure they get their next shot or their next doctor visit it's about making sure that the body is healing itself naturally on the inside out the way it was designed to and everything we do is about strengthening that system reducing stress and change the way the body adapts for better health outcomes and that's what I want for every single one of you if you're not currently under care for a chiropractor make sure that you're checking to sell online if you're out of the greater Sacramento area you live in a different state or you want to share this with friends and family and they're looking for a corrective care chiropractor is well you can go to and look for a chiropractor near you thanks so much for joining us make sure that you're sharing the powerful health benefits of chiropractic with other people and we are here to help you tune in every single week for our show here family health solutions to learn more about how you can change the way you view manager health for better health outcomes for you and your family thanks for joining us so you heard you heard the steps to success and there's still so much to come in much more to learn head on over to to sign up for our weekly newsletter and learn about something life changing workshops in the office be sure to subscribe to the podcast and share it with your friends and family so you all can join us each week on family health solutions with Dr Tim Smith your maximize living doctor

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